If you are a client of the Law Office of Susan Pai, PLLC, notify us of your change of address as soon as possible.
You should never wait until AFTER you move to notify us of a change of address.
You must also notify the government of any changes of address. If you do not, it can result in FATAL consequences from an immigration perspective. For example, you may be served a Notice to Appear on a removal matter and as long as the address it is mailed to is the address of record, an Order of Removal in Absentia (without you present) may be entered and held valid, resulting in your deportation.
Additionally, there may be a months-long delay in obtaining your Green Card, Employment Authorization Document, and/or Certificate of Naturalization. Worse yet, these documents may be intercepted and someone may begin fraudulently using your documents. Authentic Green Cards are in high demand for buying and selling on the streets.
Government mail is NOT forwarded with a U.S. Postal Service Change of Address.
If you move, you must pay for PREMIUM FORWARDING SERVICE with the U.S. Postal Service. This is the ONLY WAY you will receive official government mail once you move. You should continue PREMIUM FORWARDING SERVICE until you receive all your immigration related documents in the mail. You may request Premium Forwarding Service online if you have an account at www.usps.com or you may request in person at your local post office.

Additionally, as your attorney, the Law Office of Susan Pai, PLLC must file an amended G-28 and AR-11 to effectuate your change of address with the U.S. Government.
If you would like for us to change your address with the government, or we have to change your address after the paperwork on your immigration matter have been prepared but before they have been sent to the government, there will be an additional hourly charge to revise all the paperwork.